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Curiosities Sports

Sports and Sustainability: How Eco-Friendly Equipment Is Transforming the Future of Sports Facilities

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Sport can play a key role in the ecological transition through different strategies. The adoption of eco-friendly equipment, the reduction of energy consumption in sports facilities and the promotion of low environmental impact events are just some of the initiatives that are transforming the sector.

Many organizations are investing in recycled materials for tatami, sports mattresses and training surfaces, reducing the use of plastic and other polluting materials. Even theOptimization of lighting and heating systems in gyms helps limit CO₂ emissions, making structures more energy efficient.

Furthermore, sustainability in sport also involves raising awareness among athletes and users, promoting more conscious and responsible practices, such as the reuse of sports equipment and the correct disposal of materials.

Some sports have a significantly lower environmental impact than others. Outdoor sports, such as running, cycling, hiking and open water swimming, are considered among the most sustainable because they require minimal use of equipment and structures.

However, even more structured disciplines can be made sustainable through the use of equipment low environmental impact, like those made with recycled agglomerate or biodegradable materials. For example, in the world of martial arts and gymnastics, the adoption of tatami and sports mattresses made from recycled materials represents a concrete choice to reduce the ecological footprint of gyms.

What is important is not only the sport practiced, but also the way in which it is managed: the structures that adopt eco-sustainable solutions and encourage responsible practices that actively contribute to reducing environmental impact.

Sustainability is based on four fundamental pillars, each of which plays an essential role in improving the impact of sport on the environment and society:

  1. Environmental sustainability: reducing ecological impact through recycled materials, energy efficiency and sustainable practices in sports facilities.
  2. Social Sustainability: promotion of a sport accessible to all, inclusive and capable of promoting the well-being of the community.
  3. Economic sustainability: implementation of strategies that ensure the long-term profitability of sports facilities, through investments in durable and sustainable equipment.
  4. Cultural sustainability: spreading a sustainability-oriented mindset, educating athletes, sports facility managers and end users on responsible practices.

The adoption of eco-friendly sports equipment, such as those proposed by iTatami, contributes to satisfying these four principles, offering high-quality solutions that respect the environment and improve the athletes' experience.

Sports and the natural environment are closely linked. On the one hand, many disciplines depend directly on the ecological balance, as in the case of outdoor sports, which are affected by pollution, climate change and environmental degradation. On the other hand, the sports sector has the power to influence environmental choices through the adoption of more sustainable practices.

Sports facilities, for example, can reduce their environmental impact by adopting flooring and tatami made with recycled materials, optimizing energy consumption and reducing the use of single-use plastic. In addition, raising awareness among athletes and gym-goers can contribute to spreading greater awareness of environmental issues.

Invest in sustainable solutions for sport not only improves the quality of training and the safety of athletes, but also contributes to the protection of the natural environment, promoting a more responsible and respectful lifestyle for the planet.

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Curiosities Sports

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